What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem Cell Therapy, also known as Exosome Therapy, has been around for quite some time, but due to high cost it was primarily used for recovery in athletes and the financial elite. However, with the progression of science and knowledge, this therapy has become much more widely used and financially attainable.
Tampa Rejuvenation is the first in Tampa Bay to utilize the benefits of stem cell therapy for the purpose of anti-aging, sexual performance, and pain relief. We realize as our patients age, their bodies no longer have the regenerative properties to attain the desired results from using their growth factors alone as with our PRP, or Plasma Rich Platelet, therapy. Although many patients will still yield improvement with the PRP alone, the magnitude of cytokines and growth factors in your blood as you age will deplete with age. By implementing this therapy, the number of growth factors are exponential, allowing our bodies to regenerate on a magnitude that is otherwise unattainable – with some results lasting for 3-5 years.
Exosome Therapy can be used to restore vitality to the skin, encourage the growth of hair, and even restore sexual performance and pleasure.
How does it work?
Our bodies are built to heal themselves and repair injured or failing cells due to normal wear and tear. Over time, our regenerative cells also deplete, breaking down and losing the ability to fix complicated problems. Or in the case of collagen, which is responsible for skins elasticity and vibrancy, we stop making it in entirety at 32 and our bodies then begin to break down collagen. However, by implementing PRP in conjunction with exosome therapy we are able to halt the breakdown of these cells and actually visibly and internally reverse the effects of aging.
Where Do Stem Cells Come From?
Stem cells are present in our bodies throughout our lives, highly concentrated as an embryo through infancy our levels drop off steeply as we age. They are used early-on by the body to nurture the growth of new cells and organs. Later in life, stem cells are used as a repair system in the body, repairing damaged or missing cells until they can’t anymore. These cells are unique, because they can divide in half, remaining a stem cell for future use and becoming a replenishing cell for any type of tissue at the same time.
Stem cells can become red blood cells, muscle cells, or even brain cells based on your body’s need. However, as we age our bodies don’t have
the ability to regenerate like they used to – by implementing exosome therapy we are essentially able to reverse the effects of aging!
In the early stages of life, stem cells are supplied through the umbilical cord, our mother’s nourishment coming to us in complex and transformative cells. Today, we are able to use stem cells from the umbilical cord from c-sections, the donors go through an extensive screening beforehand and afterward the stem cells go through the same process as organ donations. This source of stem cells contains the highest level of growth factors with the lowest amount of risk and is almost impossible to have a reaction from.
Is It Safe?
Exosome therapy is very safe and does not require downtime or recovery time post-procedure. In fact, procedures are performed in office by our medical practitioners and patients are able to return to their normal lives the same day. With relatively no chance of response this is the quickest and safest way to restore our body to its prior youth and vitality.
The 5R's of
regenerate Cells In Body
revitalize Your Skin
rejuvenate Sexual Health
regain Your Youth
restore Follicle Growth
Stem Cell Therapy for Anti-Aging at Tampa Rejuvenation
To optimize your well-being, you don’t just want to look good, you also want to feel good. Thanks to the dedicated staff at Tampa Rejuvenation, you can revive dormant or degrading cells through therapy to feel and look like younger then you have in years!
This therapy is a breakthrough in anti-aging procedures and doesn’t require a scalpel, recovery time, or outrageous surgery bills. Instead, Exosome Therapy infuses the area of concern, promoting new cell growth and reviving dormant cells.
Tampa Rejuvenation offers these therapies at any of our 4 conveniently located Tampa Bay offices – North Tampa, South Tampa, Westchase / Oldsmar, and Brandon:
As we age our collagen fibers begin to break down, allowing for the loss of elasticity and buoyancy – as these collagen fibers, which are responsible for our skins strength and structure begin to degrade our skin starts to wrinkle. Previously bright and vibrant skin becomes dull and thin…but all that can change!
With this therapy we are able to revive dormant cells, potentiating new collagen fibers and restoring youth and elasticity to the skin. Fine lines and wrinkles will fade as fat pads become rejuvenated, even acne scarring and microdamage to the skin will be restored as skins appearance and texture improve. Essentially, the therapy provides a natural facelift lasting up to 3-5 years – turn back time and restore your skin’s radiance and vibrancy with Tampa Rejuvenation today!
Sexual Rejuvenation
As mentioned before, when we age our whole body is affected and performance can be impacted. For men, P-Rejuvenation combined with exosome therapy is an excellent, long-term solution to decreased performance and Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Combining the P-Rejuvenation with this therapy can increase girth and length, restoring vascularization and nerve sensitivity for improved more powerful orgasms.
For women, the O-Rejuvenation is used to improve sexual performance and reverse the effects of sexual dysfunction so that sex is more pleasurable and comfortable. Utilizing exosome therapy to strengthen the skin, increase natural lubrication, and restore sexual pleasure we are able to bring the passion back in your love life. Women also see improvement in incontinence as the muscles and tissue are restored. Orgasms are more powerful as sexual enjoyment is revived.
About 2/3rds of men experience hair loss According to the American Hair Loss Association, while about 40% of the hair loss population is comprised of women.
Hair loss is very common as we age, but can really have a significant impact on our confidence and performance. Just as the cells in our skin break down and lose strength over time, our hair follicles and scalp also degenerate.
Without the use of implants, creams, or medications Tampa Rejuvenation is able to give you back the hair of yester years and fight the body’s mission to break down those cells, allowing hair to grow back fuller and thicker. The therapy saturates the area with new cells and awakens dormant hair follicles to begin growing again, restoring hair – and confidence – to its prior glory!
Pain Relief
It can help relieve pain. Whether it’s pain in your joints from arthritis or back pain, you can get the treatment you need for the pain you feel.
As you age, the regenerative qualities of your cells begin to decrease; this prolongs the healing process. Because of this, your joints and muscles can become sore and hurt more often.
Aging has a huge impact on your body. Aging increases the likelihood of suffering from chronic pain. Around 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain.
Now, more than ever it is the time to find a solution to that pain. This therapy can not only stop the pain in its tracks but also heal the source of the pain.
Schedule an Appointment today!
Why wait to schedule an appointment? Stem Cell Therapy procedures are quick and effective, and they provide long-lasting results to battle the effects of aging. Our offices are located across Tampa Bay, including clinics in North Tampa, South Tampa, Brandon, and Westchase. Our team of health professionals are ready to discuss treatment options and make an appointment for your no cost consultation! Contact Tampa Rejuvenation today to find out how you can essentially reverse the signs of aging without complicated surgery.