How Do Hormones Affect Our Weight Loss?

Hormones are chemical messengers – we have over 50 different types in our bodies, they tell us when it is time to sleep, speed our heart rate in times of stress, and are also responsible for our metabolism. Understanding how these hormones work can help us take control of our weight and inform us how […]

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Kybella Treats fat Below The Chin

Kybella is a FDA approved treatment for submental fullness, which refers to the fat below the chin. This fat deposit can develop as a result of weight gain, genetics, or aging – sometimes a combination of the three. This treatment is a non-surgical method to remove the fat below the chin and improve your chin […]

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The Benefits of Proper Nutrition and its Effects on Weight Loss

Losing weight is not solely dependent on exercise and nutrition, understanding your hormones and how to work with them is also a huge part of weight loss success. Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Healthy eating is about feeling better, having more […]

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While blood work is critical for identifying the issue, it is important to be mindful of what foods one is eating. For the past few years, there has been a lot of hype promoting a gluten-free diet. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, several whole grain foods, and barley to name a few. There is […]

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What is diabetes? Types of diabetes

There are two types of diabetes. Type I Diabetes is caused by an inability or insufficiency of the pancreas to create insulin, an important hormone that aids in moving sugar or glucose into your body’s cells to be used as fuel. Type I Diabetes is typically caused by an attack by the immune system that […]

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Is Potassium a Super Nutrient?

Potassium is the third most prevalent vitamin in the body, an essential nutrient. It’s used to maintain the fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, and is integral in proper organ function. Deficiencies in this electrolyte can attribute to dehydration, cramps, mental fatigue, increased blood pressure, weight gain, and cause cellulite accumulation. Integrating potassium-rich foods […]

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Diet effects of diet soda and artificial sweeteners

Weight loss and optimal health are correlated to one’s diet. While many believe cutting calories is the way to go, there are other contributing factors. The oxymoron “diet soda” is a perfect example. Although diet sodas have either zero or just a few calories, they can contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose. The body […]

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Importance of Adequate Sleep For Weight Loss

You spend the first portion of your life avoiding or fighting it and the second half wishing for it and trying to manage your time better so you can have more of it! While you sleep your body is able to regenerate, fixing the micro tears in your muscles and correcting chemical balances, this is […]

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Probiotics Amazing Role In Weight Loss

Probiotics are good bacteria found naturally in your body that aid in digestion and food metabolism. We ingest probiotics from a variety of foods, such as yogurt, kefir, pickles, kombucha, and other fermented foods. They are typically taken as a supplement to improve a variety of ailments from digestive to immune function. Good probiotic supplementation […]

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The Buzz about Candida

Most people know the dietary benefits of natural honey, but did you know that there are other substances in the beehive that can boost your health, too? Bee propolis is a resin that bees use to seal small cracks and gaps in their hives, but you can take it to reinforce your immune system.   […]

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